I don't need a drastic diet for loose so much weight...
I need more a "depurative" one that helps to "depurate" my body after soooo many wrong things I ate...
Lately I've had a so stressful time and...shame on me...I'm one of these people that...under stress...eat...
But...I'm not eating so much things...well...when I'm stressed I don't eat tons of foods but...absolutely....I eat wrong foods... (candies, chocolate, chips, cakes, ice cream...)
So, you can imagine how "not so nice" I feel...
Ok, I did a search on the internet and I found the "Detox" diet and I think that a version of it should be perfect for me...
First...because you have to follow it for only 15 days (it promises beautiful skin, wonderful hair, more energy and...last but not least...lose some weight!!!)
Now...I know that this is not the magic thing that in 15 days...will change my body and my world...LOL...but surely it can helps me to feel better...
This diet is focused on cereal, fibers, vegetables (better if they are natural and not cooked), white meat and fish.
So...I decided to try and...today was the 1st day...
This is what I eated today:
BREAKFAST: 125 gr of natural yogurt with 2 tablespoon of cornflakes, 1 apple and a cup of white tea.
In this diet you have to drink at least 1 litre of white tea a day...
You can only eat white tea and water.
Then, in the middle of the morning I eated another cup of white tea.
DINNER: a dish of cherry tomatoes and mozzarella and 2 rice galettes + 1 cup of white tea.
In the middle of the afternoon, a cup of white tea.
DINNER: 80 gr of integral rice cooked with tomatoes and a salade of tomatoes and carrots, plus a slice of melon.
Ok...this is my day one and...I feel good!!! LOL!!!!
Oh...before I forget...now my weight is 53 kilos...we will see in the next days...
I'll try to post every day my menu and...my progresses...
Please, wish me good luck... :O)
RispondiEliminaMa quale dieta che al prossimo colpo di vento voli via?????????????
si...magari un tornado... :O)
RispondiEliminamangiare un pò meglio non può che far bene...