Hello my Friends!!!!
How are you?
Finally seems that Spring reaches us...at least...for few days...
We have had nice weather the last 3days and hopefully we still have a bit of "bonus" for nice weather...
At least...since Sunday when...it will rain again... :O(
Anyway...now the sun is shining, temperatures are really warm and we enjoy outdoors!
So...I can't imagine a better way to start my morning then...1 hour and half of fit walking around our hills...
I'm at home 3 morning a week so I can enjoy walking during this free time...
I wear my shorts, tank top, walking shoes, take with me my iphone and...just start walking...listening my favourite music!!!!
The panorama is beautiful, birds, flowers and yards everywhere, so relaxing!
This really recharge my batteries after a long, cold and dark winter!!!!
Do you like walking? or running? or Jogging?
what kind of sport do you practice?
I wish you all a wonderful day!!!!
Hugs, Dany
E' splendido correre!!
RispondiEliminasi è rilassante e libera la mente... :O)
RispondiEliminahello my dear Dany! i am surprised to read that the weather has been awful! i always imagine Italy as being a paradise ! always perfect weather. It is nice to see you have such a beautiful place to walk. I am not much of a sport addict, although i know it is important to stay healthy. i took some aerobics lesson all winter long, 2 evenings a week and it felt really good. In the summer, i usually go for long bike rides in the countryside. We had quite a funny weather during the spring season. very warm in March, cold in April, warm again in May and June so far is grey and chilly. today is nice though, so i am going to try and spend some time outdoors planting my annuals. ^_^ take care sweetie and check my blog! i am going to make another giveaway. May post about it tomorrow morning . hugs and kisses xoxoxo
hello Monique!!!!!
Eliminahow nice to read you here!!!
Unfortunately...Italy is not having a good weather lately...at least where I live...in the north...
and usually we have nice weather during the week when we are at work and terrible weather in the week end...GRRR!!!
I'm going to check your giveaway then!!!!!