sabato 2 aprile 2011

Happy Saturday!

Hi! I just have few minutes today... I'm in the middle of the change of season for clothes... Mmm...I really hate do it...wash all the winter clothes and put them away...clean and refresh all the furnitures, bring all the spring- summer clothes and iron them... It's really a big work, especially if you must do it during a wonderful week end like this one... So...while I'm doing it...I'll try to keep my mind away with some nice memories... For example, the picture above, was taken by me 2 years ago during our holidays to the south of France...what a nice time we have had... Hope you are having a more fun week end than mine...LOL!!! So...happy week end to all!!!

2 commenti:

  1. Loved going thru ur beautiful creations ...Wonderful

    - Smita
    (fun food ideas for lil ones )


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