this week end I'm going to put down my Xmas decorations I didn't show you them when I put them up...I'm showing you them now before to take them away...

I didn't make a Xmas tree but I decided to decorate my console...
So I chose a tree branch and put on it my Xmas decorations .
I love the way all turned out...all white and made me smile every time I opened the door...
Now it's time to put them away and come back to the normality but I will miss my decorations LOL!
Will have to find something else that make me happy to put on the console until next Xmas...
See you on next post...this week end I'm going to work on the baby quilt...
I'll show you my progresses...
Have a nice week end !!!!
Ancora buon anno Dany, e complimenti per il tuo ingresso così bello, le decorazioni erano pefette, ma sono sicura che studierai qualcosa di altrettanto bello per la primavera.
RispondiEliminaGrazie Chiara!!! Buon anno anche a te !!! Per ora ho lasciato il ramo che io trovo bello anche senza renna e il pupazzetto di neve... Poi vedremo cosa succederà in primavera ;0)