mercoledì 5 febbraio 2014

Smoothies World

Hello my Friends!!!
How are you all?
It's long time that I didn't write here in my blog...shame on me!
Well...not much things are happened...still living alone, still working (fortunately), still sewing and crafting from time to time...not as much as I would like but...a bit more...

Lately...I "meet" the smoothies world...I discovered them on Pinterest (LOL) and tried them!!!

The first one I've tried was made of  spinach, 2 carrots, 1 orange, one babana, a bit of water.
You can't believe how delicious it was!

Simply put all the ingredients in the blender and...voilà!!!!
Your smoothie is ready to be "drunk".

Then I've tried another one for breakfast.

This one was made of 1 apple, 1 banana, spinach, 5 almonds, a bit of water, 1 teaspoon of maple syrup and a bit of cinnamon.

Again put all the ingredients in the blender few minuts your delicious and so healthy breakfast is done!!!

I think they are great for eating fruits and veggies every day!
You can made them in a gazillion of differents way...and have one different each day if you want!
Did you ever tried them?
Do you have some nice recipe to share?
Can't wait to try a new one!!!!!

I wish you all a nice week and...can't wait to hear from you!!!!!
Love, Dany.

2 commenti:

  1. Yay, I love smoothies! I've never tried putting carrots in them before... I will have to try it!

  2. Yes Marica you should because they are delicious!!! :O)


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