mercoledì 2 settembre 2009

French windows

During our holidays in Provence this past summer, I took lots and lots of beautiful pics...
Provence is really amazing, full of wonderful colors everywhere!
But...the thing that was most eye catching for me were...the windows!!!
Well...the windows in Provence (mostly there but also in other French regions) are really gorgeous!!!
So colorful and with beautiful flowers displaied on them!
And the fun part is that all the turists are so interested in the windows and I bet that no one come home from France withouth a beautiful pic of at least 1 window!!! LOL!!!
Some times, in front of a nice window...I had to wait because there were lots of other turists that are taking pics...LOL!!! question is:what the French people think about us turists that can wait also 10-15 minutes for take a pic of a theyr window???? LOL!!!!
If there is some French that is reading this post...I'd really love to read a comment...LOL!!!!
Thanks for reading!!!!